Network Monthly Luncheon - November 15, 2023

  • 11/15/2023
  • 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM
  • Filomena's Restaurant, 262 BostonPost Road, Waterford, CT 06385


Military Appreciation Luncheon

       Be sure to join us Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 11:30 am for our Military Appreciation Luncheon at Filomena's, $20 registered by 9am Tues., $25 for walk-ins, includes gratuity and tax. * Veterans, their spouse/widow and/or a guest may join us for November luncheon at no charge. Please select that option when registering for lunch. * If you would like to "Buy a Veteran Lunch," please click on this link, make a donation on our donation page and write "Veteran Lunch" in the comment.
     Colonel (Retired) Kevin “Red Eagle” Brown will speak about his service. He served 25 years as an Infantry leader in the United States Army, and retired in 2019 as the Chairman of the Mohegan Tribe and Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority.  His father Michael Brown was a veteran of WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.  His mother, Tribal Nonner Pauline “Red Feather” Brown, was born on Mohegan Hill, just a few feet from the Tantaquidgeon Indian Museum on Mohegan Tribal Territory.  His brother Mike was career Army and his brother Mark was a Norwich Police Officer for over a decade before becoming Chairman of the Mohegan Tribe.  After graduating from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1987, Kevin led our nations men and women in deployed environments at all levels : as a Platoon Leader with the 101st Airborne Division during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm; as a Company Commander in the 1st Cavalry Division along the Iraqi border during Operation Southern Watch & Intrinsic Action, as a Battalion Executive Officer in the northern jungles of Thailand during Operation Cobra Gold, as a Battalion Commander in the 10th Mountain Division in Baghdad during Operation Iraqi Freedom, and again as a Deputy Brigade Commander in the 10th Mountain Division in Kirkuk Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He culminated his career as a Colonel commanding the Garrison at Fort Riley, Kansas, where he led holistic health efforts to sustain the resilience of highly-deployed Soldiers and their family members before retiring in 2011.  He was awarded the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star (with 3 oak leaf clusters), the Combat Infantryman’s Badge (with Star for second Award), multiple other commendations, and is Airborne, Air Assault, Ranger and Senior Parachutist qualified. In 2013, Kevin Brown was elected to the Mohegan Tribal Council and returned home to Uncasville and the Chairmanship of his tribe.  In that role he was responsible for the well-being of the 2000 member Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut, and their commercial business arms: Mohegan Gaming and Entertainment and Mohegan Holdings. During his tenure, Mohegan Gaming and Entertainment expanded internationally, adding gaming licenses in Canada and South Korea.  In 2018, Kevin was inducted into the Connecticut Veterans Hall of Fame and in this year was honored as a Distinguished Member of the Regiment (DMOR) for the 22nd Infantry Regiment, which has served in our nation’s conflicts since the War of 1812. Kevin has a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering from West Point, a Master of Science in Operations Research from the Naval Postgraduate School, a Master of Arts in Public Diplomacy from Norwich University and completed his PhD pre-dissertation work in Security Studies at Kansas State University.  He is currently the President of the Norwich Community Development Corporation focused on Economic and Community Development for the City of Norwich.  In his free time, he currently serves as a Director on boards at the National level including the National Archives Foundation, the Warrior Bonfire Program and the Advisory Committee for the National Native American Veterans Memorial in Washington DC, and serves locally on the boards of Easter Seals Capital Region and Eastern Connecticut, and the Southeastern Connecticut Enterprise Region (seCTer). In the time that remains he loves vacationing with his family, watching football and lacrosse, occasionally stepping onto the Rugby pitch, and riding his Harley.

* Veterans, their spouse/widow and a guest may join us for November luncheon at no charge. Please select that option when registering for lunch.

* If you would like to "Buy a Veteran Lunch," please click on this link, make a donation on our donation page and write Veteran Lunch in the comment.

  * Walk-ins to the luncheon will be charged $25 (for all). Attendees may still register online, by 9am Tues. and pay $20 (for all) either online or at the door.

    * Remember to bring cash for the 50/50. Your fun ticket purchase at lunch on Wednesday, funds our Network operations, community and charitable engagement activities, and our scholarships! $1 each ticket, no limit.

     * Member Benefit: Members (only) may place their business info on the Members Showcase Table.

Southeastern Connecticut Women's Network, PO Box 921, Groton, CT 06340-0921
Copyright 2008-2024 SECT Women's Network (a registered not-for-profit agency) - Founded in 1976.

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